Saturday, December 28, 2013

Tetrad Response to Group

The tetrads for Timothy Jetter and Alicia Roberts were not posted.

Here is my response for Lakeisha Coleman:
We basically had the same information for what it enhances, reverses, and obsoletes. With one exception, Lakeisha writes that it replaced "dads" and I do not know what that is. She opened up my eyes to the USB drive retrieving filing cabinets. I never considered this before. I like her connection between a filing cabinet organizing information and a USB doing the same. I agree.


  1. Reggies,
    "dads" was actually suppose to be dvds. Apparently, may auto correct must have changed it!

  2. Hi Lakeisha - I am so sorry, I did not realize. Thinking back on it, I should have figured that out.
